The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) provides a unique forum for humanitarian networks and partnerships to meet and address key humanitarian issues. One of the largest humanitarian events of its kind, it gathers participants from the UN, NGOs, Member States, the private sector, the military, academia and beyond to discuss and solve common challenges in humanitarian affairs. During the event, networks and partnerships hold their annual meetings and consultations, share their expertise and collaborate on best practices to address shared problems.
The HNPW 2024 will be held in a hybrid format from 29 April to 10 May 2024. The first week (29 April to 3 May) will be held remotely, the second week (6 to 10 May) will be organized face-to-face at the CICG in Geneva.
Register your participation and take a look at the Event Programme here. Next to our hybrid meetings, you can find us in-person at booth 11. Join us at one of our events or seize the opportunity to engage with experienced UNDAC members at the UNDAC booth!